Use of PPE and individual protection measures
In Confirmed Cases
Professional Prevention
- Respiratory isolation through the use, by the professional, of a face mask with respiratory protection filter with a minimum efficiency in the filtration of 95% of particles of up to 0.3 um (type PFF2, PFF3, N95, N99, N100);
- Use of gloves, hat, disposable apron and protective glasses;
- Perform hand hygiene respecting 5 moments;
- Equipment for the exclusive use of the patient: stethoscope, pressure devices and thermometer.
Population Prevention Measures
- The patient should be restricted in a ventilated room and a closed door;
- Transportation to outside areas is prohibited: restricting visits;
- Family members and visitors should wear a mask, apron, and gloves when they are in the room with the patient;
- Accompanying persons are prohibited during procedures that have aerosols.
- Clothing professionals should not enter rooms;
- Nutritionists conduct evaluations over the phone;
- Waiters will not enter the room, lining up the delivery with the nurse.
- Keep a record of ALL the people who came into contact with a suspicious case (professionals, visitors or family);
- People with diseases or conditions that reduce immunity (cancer, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, transplantation, people with HIV and pregnant women) cannot be chosen as companions for suspected or confirmed cases, or as health professionals designated to care for patients;
- The WHO recommendation is to keep the patient with caution and in a private room until he is asymptomatic.