General Guidelines
- Single room with private bathroom.
- Insulation plate on the door.
- The resident cannot leave the room.
- Open windows every day for at least 30 minutes, with the door closed.
- Do not use air conditioning.
- Meals must be taken in the room with disposable materials. All items, including the tray, should be disposed of in a white bag, targeting infectious trash on the floor.
- We recommend that, before entering the room, check all the care that will be needed, plan and take all the material to perform the service in one step, avoiding entering and leaving the room. Example: When bathing the resident, check medication schedules, need to change diapers, etc.
- Equipment for measuring vital signs (sphygmomanometer, thermometer, stethoscope, oximeter) after each use, disinfect with Meliseptol® Foam pure.
- Perform simultaneous cleaning and disinfection of surfaces (bed, nightstand, lamp, chair) within the room once a day with Meliseptol® Foam pure.
- The resident’s clothing should be placed in a white bag and directed to the floor drain.
- Standard isolation time: 14 days.
- Residents who began to show symptoms: runny nose, cough (dry or sputum), sore throat, shortness of breath, hoarseness, diarrhea.
- Differentiate residents who have these symptoms chronically. In this situation observe worsening of symptoms to indicate isolation.
Location of Insulation
- It takes place in the resident’s accommodation.
- If collective, isolate each resident of this accommodation in a single room.
- Inform family members of the reason for the isolation and record it on the isolation sheet.
PPE for Drop Precautions
- Wear a surgical mask to enter the room. Use of disposable care gloves.
- Residents must wear a mask when other people enter the room.
Monitoring of Vital Signs
- Every 6 hours, protocol of vital signs and registration.
- Any change in the parameters, inform the nurse.
Questionnaire for The Assessment of Isolation and Care Conditions for Older Persons with Suspected or Infected by The New Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resident In ILPI.
- The questionnaire was designed to evaluate the necessary conditions for the isolation and care of elderly people with suspected or diagnostic confirmation of infection with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in ILPI in Brazil, based on Technical Note No. 9/2020 -COSAPI / CGCIVI / DAPES / SAPS / MS. If the ILPI does not have all the conditions listed below, the ELDERLY MUST BE TRANSFERRED IMMEDIATELY TO A CITY HEALTH UNIT.
It is worth remembering that over 50% of all COVID-19 deaths occur in older people residing in ILPIs and equivalents, in Europe, the United States, and Canada.

The following figure shows the flowchart for handling suspected cases of COVID-19 at ILPI: